Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
New Heights Church believes in the necessity of spreading the gospel around the world, taking the Great Commission to heart as stated in Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Knowing that people cannot believe in Jesus if they have never heard, and they cannot hear unless someone preaches, and someone cannot preach unless they are sent (Romans 10:14-15). Therefore, New Heights Church currently supports 29 missionaries and missions organizations worldwide.
Once a year we take two Sundays we call "Missions Emphasis" and have Missionary guests come and share the Word of God with us as well as what God is doing in their area of ministry. During these services, we encourage everyone to make a Faith Promise to missions for the following year. It is from these Faith Promise responses that the Deacon Board is able to determine if more missionaries can be added and/or if we can increase the support of current missionaries.
Adults are not the only ones encouraged to give. Our children give on a regular basis to BGMC (Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge). At the end of the third quarter in 2023 our children have given $1,509.06 to BGMC, which provides funding to Missionaries to help with various needs they have on the mission field. Likewise, our youth are encouraged to give to STL (Speed The Light) which focuses mostly on providing missionaries with transportation in their area of ministry. Some missionaries have received boats, motorcycles, public transportation passes, or even animals have been purchased for transportation in some areas of the world.
Once a year we take two Sundays we call "Missions Emphasis" and have Missionary guests come and share the Word of God with us as well as what God is doing in their area of ministry. During these services, we encourage everyone to make a Faith Promise to missions for the following year. It is from these Faith Promise responses that the Deacon Board is able to determine if more missionaries can be added and/or if we can increase the support of current missionaries.
Adults are not the only ones encouraged to give. Our children give on a regular basis to BGMC (Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge). At the end of the third quarter in 2023 our children have given $1,509.06 to BGMC, which provides funding to Missionaries to help with various needs they have on the mission field. Likewise, our youth are encouraged to give to STL (Speed The Light) which focuses mostly on providing missionaries with transportation in their area of ministry. Some missionaries have received boats, motorcycles, public transportation passes, or even animals have been purchased for transportation in some areas of the world.

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Serve the Kingdom in our own community
We often have mission opportunities through MAD (Make A Difference) events. Check out our events page to see when the next event will be happening and to sign up!